Couple's Adventure
Do you long for a closer, more fulfilling relationship but aren't sure where to start? If the thought of traditional couples counseling feels daunting, we have the perfect solution. Imagine a weekend away with your partner, filled with relaxation, adventure, and meaningful conversation.
Now, picture this dream brought to life in the stunning backdrop of Jackson, WY, with our Couples Tune-Up retreat. Mark and I, will be blending adventure and love, while being your personal guides through four unforgettable days. You can choose your adventure from climbing or running to hiking, rafting, and/or fishing, each day promises a mix of adrenaline and connection. Mark and I will be your adventure consultants helping you plan and prepare an adventure that is right for you and your spouses ability. We will then send you off. As the sun sets, the experience continues with heartfelt debriefs and programming that transforms the outdoor landscape into a canvas for relationship growth.
This couples adventure getaway is not just about escapades; it's a curated experience designed to deepen your connection while immersing you in the joy of outdoor activities. With a focus on growth and development, this retreat will set you up for success in your relationship. Join us for a long weekend of bonding, learning, and exploring together, and leave with the tools you need to build an extraordinary relationship.
Jackson hole, WY
Sept 5-8, 2024

Couples adventure coaching is a specialized approach that focuses on strengthening relationships between partners through shared outdoor experiences and adventures. Our program is tailored to each couple, and we work with them individually and in groups to identify their goals, interests, strengths and areas for growth. The learning marries well with customized adventure experiences that challenge and support you as a team.
Our main objective is to help couples establish a deeper connection by engaging in shared experiences that take them out of their comfort zones, enhance trust, and foster communication. Rock climbing, horseback riding, running or hiking, and kayaking will be the vehicles to rejuvenate your relationship.
By participating in couples adventure coaching, partners can develop important skills such as effective communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving that are fundamental for building and maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, couples adventure coaching can help you rekindle your relationship, break out of old patterns, and create new shared experiences and memories that will strengthen their bond.
Mark and Janelle Smiley are an impressive adventure power couple with a wealth of experience in mountain climbing and skiing. With Mark's expertise as a professional climber, IFMGA International Mountain guide, and photographer, and Janelle's extensive background as a professional athlete and trained Relational Life Therapist and Holistic Coach, they have the perfect combination of skills to lead a transformative retreat. Their joint passion for adventure and commitment to training others in mountain skills and relational skills makes them the ideal hosts. Additionally, their 17-year marriage and experience raising two young children showcases their ability to balance personal and professional lives. If you're looking for a retreat led by a couple who have truly walked the walk and have a unique blend of expertise, Mark and Janelle Smiley are the perfect choice.
The weekend offers a balanced blend of active and relaxing activities, with four group teaching and experimental sessions where participants can delve into a range of engaging topics. These sessions will explore fear's impact on relationships, family of origin dynamics, the five losing strategies, and the Circle of Health, which focuses on cultivating a healthy mindset without grandiosity or shame. Plus, for those who want to delve even deeper, Janelle is offering optional private sessions to do deeper work.